Sunday, June 29, 2014

Major Trends in Distance Education (Future) - Group 4

The topic that our group was given to research and present on using VoiceThread was "What are the Major Trends (the future) in Distance Education?".

Group 4 consisted of Sobia Khan, John Mrozek, Marlene Wark, and me as group leader.  Our final presentation posted to VoiceThread can be found here: Group 4: Future Trends in Distance Education

With a very busy week ahead for all of the group members, we started our initial discussion on email to begin to assign our sections and decide which of the many trends in distance education each of us would cover. Email was the easiest way to begin since we only had each other's email addresses and need to at least get the ball rolling.

Marlene was kind enough to host an online GoToMeeting session for our group on Friday evening so we could all meet, virtually, and begin to sort out some of the final details of our individually-developed presentations.  We all agreed that once all of the presentations were completed, they would send them to me and I would organize them into the sections based on the best logical flow.

We had to get somewhat creative because Sobia was in Florida, so we had her on speaker phone while the online meeting was taking place so she, too, could participate.  On Saturday, all 3 team members sent their individual presentations to me and I combined them and posted them to VoiceThread to begin the recording process.

By Sunday evening, after juggling work, triathlons, pool parties, and regular weekend chores, our team successfully added recordings to all of our slides and the presentation was complete!

This process was simple because I had used VT before in a previous course and was comfortable with uploading the presentation and commenting on my slides. There are still certain aspects of VoiceThread that I don't like, primarily the inability to delete/add a slide once it is uploaded.  This isn't huge if it is only one presenter, but when you add 3 more you can't simply re-upload a presentation and start over.  Secondly, I don't like the fact that regardless of how clear your graphics are in PowerPoint, some get distorted when it saves it in VT.  However, I believe that our presentation looked exceptionally well.

I believe that I could use VoiceThread in my professional life because we have a disconnect between our learners and our office.  By presenting to the residents and fellows on an enduring presentation that they can see and hear me speak on, they are able to visit the information as often as they like and comment as if we were in a face to face presentation.  I have not considered it in the past, but as our program numbers continue to grow, it would be beneficial to have this option available.

Thanks, team, we put a phenomenal presentation together!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Text2MindMap Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Tool


Name of the Web 2.0 Tool:   Text2MindMap

URL of the Tool:

Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Tool

Please describe this tool in your own words (a minimum of 150-250 words).
Text2MindMap is a creative web application tool that allows the user to type out words in a very simple to use format that then creates mind maps in a window for download and inclusion in presentations or learning materials.  The main concept of the tool it to allow the user to type the main categories as well as subcategories that creates a very easy-to-read and understand mind map for the student or other audience.  The easy and ability of developing a mind map from a simple outline would be very useful in a variety of contexts and teaching opportunities.

Download and install a program or plug-in for the tool to work properly?
The tool does not require that the user install a program or download a plug-in.  The user can also download their mind map into a PDF or picture for inclusion in presentations or teaching materials.

What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
Overall, this is a very simple-to-use tool that anyone could likely figure out after one or a few tries.  The user only needs the ability to create an outline for the tool to effectively work and then type the information in using the proper indentation (in order to lump the main concept and subcategories together properly).  This is a very easy to use application..

What do you need to have before using this tool?
To effectively use the tool users need to either have a pre-developed outline of the intended mind map or they can enter the free-text in the box to the left of the mind map window as they are developing their map. 

How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)

2. Begin typing the outline using the simple format already provided in the tool:

3. Once the outline has been developed, click on “Draw Mind Map” and the system will automatically develop the users mind map that is editable, based on the information entered.

4. At any time during the development of the mind map, the user can edit the information in the left text column or move the mind map boxes around the screen and click on “Draw Mind Map” again, creating a more manageable window that is easy for user to understand.

5. The user can also modify the position, font, color, and lines that coincide with the mind map figure by clicking on the Options tab in the text formatting area of the tool.

8. In order to share the finished product, the user must choose either to save as a PDF or PNG file, but can also be shared via email Facebook or Twitter.

Locate or create your own example of an educational resource created with this tool

Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment.
This tool would be very useful in a teaching environment because it allows the instructor to put the information into very easy to follow outline format for students.  For my own example, I created a mind map of the individual residency and fellowship training programs at our institution that can be shared with others as they try to understand the type of residency or fellowship and the category under which they fall.  This could be a very useful concept for instructors to use and to categorize information in a way that the learner can use it as an enduring reference.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool in a formal or informal teaching environment?
Advantages: free, no sign-up or downloads required, very user-friendly, simple format for entering the outline information, the ability to see the mind map and make changes before finalizing, ability to save and share the finished mind map with much ease and in several formats, ability to change options easily

Disadvantages: must have outline prepared or the ability to prepare an outline on the fly

Would you recommend this Web 2.0 tool to others, or suggest that they explore a different tool?

I would highly recommend this tool to anyone interested in creating mind maps for either learners or individuals that need to convey outlines in a very visible way to better understand how different concepts and categories connect.  I could see use of this tool in a variety of teaching and learning environments and the ease of use creates a fun tool to play around with until the perfect mind map is created.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Are you ready to Blabberize?

Name of the Web 2.0 Tool:  

URL of the Tool:

Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Creativity tool with photos

Please describe this tool in your own words (a minimum of 150-250 words).
Blabberize is a tool that allows a user to upload a photo of a person, people, animal, or whatever they would like to create a talking image.  This image is referred to as a “Blabber” and can be used for a number of reasons both educationally and just for fun. The tool is free and utilizes either the user’s own photos or those that are downloaded onto their computer for use with the tool.  Once the user has uploaded the photo that they want to Blabberize, they must select the mouth or jaw region that will be used to create the moving mouth.  Drawing the mouth is somewhat time-consuming and it’s difficult to see if it is going to work correctly or turn out as expected without several attempts to get it right.  The tool then allows the user to either record their own audio or they can simply locate a .wav file online, save it to a file and upload it into the blabber. Then, when the user clicks the play button, Blabberize puts the moving mouth and audio message together for a moving mouth with sound. 

Download and install a program or plug-in for the tool to work properly?
The tool does not require that the user install a program or download a plug-in.  However, in order to save the “blabber” that the user has created, they must create an account using their email address.

What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
Overall, this is a very simple-to-use tool that anyone could likely figure out after one or a few tries.  The user only needs the ability to upload a photo, draw the mouth, and upload or record the audio to accompany the photo and make it “talk”.

What do you need to have before using this tool?
To effectively use the tool users need a microphone and a photo.  Accessibility to files for download and an email address if they choose to save their Blabberize creations. 

How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
1. Visit
2. Click on “Make” and the screen below will appear:

3. Click on “Browse” to upload a photo.
4. If the user chooses to do so, they can crop the photo.

5. Begin to “draw” the mouth by selecting the area and dragging the green and blue dots to make the perfect mouth.


Finished “mouth”

6. Click the arrow button and the audio box will appear allowing the user to either record audio using a microphone, a telephone, or upload a .wav file.  The audio has a maximum length of 30 seconds.  Select one of these 3 and upload audio to the blabber.  Then, click OK.  The user can then press the button to play the blabber to see the photo and audio merged with the mouth moving.

7. That is all that needs to be done to create a blabber.  However, if you want to save and embed or send the blabber creation, a user must create a free account.  If the user chooses to create an account, they will enter a username, password, and email address.  Blabberize will then as the user to title the blabber creation, provide a description, and create tags.  The user can also select either “private” or “mature”.

8. In order to share it, the user selects the web address or has the opportunity to embed it into the document or photo.

Locate or create your own example of an educational resource created with this tool

Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment.
As many online reviewers pointed out, this could be used for educators to have their students present information on a topic or individual.  An instructor could also use it as a weekly teaching tool for students to learn about different events or individuals. In my environment, I may utilize it to share snippets of information with our trainees that can be sent in an email or posted on an electronic bulletin board.  However, I think that there are many more valuable ways to get information across, so I likely wouldn't use this gimmicky tool.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool in a formal or informal teaching environment?
Advantages: free, entertaining, no sign-up required if the user doesn’t want to save or share blabber creations, fairly user-friendly, could potentially be used for student engagement and teaching

Disadvantages: have to sign in to save creations, drawing the mouth can get somewhat frustrating after multiple attempts, audio limited to 30 second snippets which isn’t much time for a true educational teaching use, each audio file that I uploaded cut off too soon

Would you recommend this Web 2.0 tool to others, or suggest that they explore a different tool?

I would likely not recommend this tool to anyone above elementary or maybe middle school education.  It wasn't that it is difficult to use and the sign up wasn’t even that big of an issue, instead it took a great deal of time to get the mouth right.  I think it would be humorous the first few times, but after that I don’t know that my learners would take it serious and grow weary of it pretty quickly.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fuze (formerly FuzeBox) Web Meeting Review

I had the opportunity to review Fuze, a mobile and desktop based web meeting Web 2.0 program.  Please see the review below.

Name of the Web 2.0 Tool:  Fuze (formerly FuzeBox)

Fuze Start Page

URL of the Tool:

Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Communication tool that encompasses collaboration, presentation, and discussion capabilities

Please describe this tool in your own words (a minimum of 150-250 words).
Fuze is an online meeting/videoconferencing tool that boasts enhanced HD video and the ability to connect up to 12 HD video conferencing streams at one time.  Much like other web conferencing tools, this system also offers the capability to have side chats among participants. The easy-to-use tool is available on mobile (Android and iOS) devices, as well as desktop systems (OSX and Windows) and is meant to organize information and participants into a mechanism that offers the same capabilities of a face-to-face meeting.  Fuze joins a wide array of other online meeting tools already available online, but the HD stream seems to be the biggest draw for this tool.  A user can download the system using a simple registration process that will then allow engagement with internal and external clients and share content in the Fuze cloud space in nearly all formats. Video multimedia files are also supported, but do take significant space according to online reviews of the system.  Fuze meetings can be scheduled using Google calendars and Outlook.
Fuze also offers some very useful aspects to online meetings that others often do not. These consist of compatibility with various user platforms, the ability to record meetings (this would assist with revisiting or sharing meeting information for those that may not have been able to attend), offering meetings in a consistent environment that offer the ability to attend from anywhere and on various devices with a simple login, and most importantly as listed above the ability to share and publish content for participants to see as the meeting is progressing.  This would be extremely beneficial for companies and learning institutions that have students or employees in a various parts of the world.

Download and install a program or plug-in for the tool to work properly?
The first step in obtaining access to Fuze is to create an account.  The tool requests your email address and then sends a link to that address to activate the account.  Once the email is received, a very brief form is completed and then you must download Fuze to your desktop or device.  I tried to download the system to my desktop and unfortunately, was unable to due to security placed on downloading programs to company computers/laptops.  I was able to download the system to my iPhone through the app store and the interface is very clean and straightforward to use.  I was also able to watch a demo that showcased the usefulness of the system in a variety of uses.  One use, based on meetings that connect the learners and individuals in my workplace (healthcare providers), the capability to share slides and scans would be most beneficial during a meeting.

What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)
Anyone that has ever participated in an online videconference or online meeting previously will find this tool useful and easy to use.  One must also realize that while most of the great features about the product come free with registration, there are 2 additional options Pro and Enterprise that offer additional resources that include unlimited free toll audio (compared to only the first 60 days with free plan), the ability to record and share meetings, webinars up to 125 participants, branding, and other corporate-specific items that benefit the company and user.

What do you need to have before using this tool?
To effectively use the tool for videoconferencing, participants will need a microphone and a webcam.  Accessibility to files for download (if necessary), as well as the ability to link to Google or Outlook calendars would also be useful in planning for future meetings. 

Plans and Pricing Options for Fuze

How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)
1. Visit
2. Enter email address and click on “Get Fuze – It’s Free” box.
3. Check email that the activation message was sent to (based on what was entered) and follow the instructions to download.
4. As a meeting organizer, one can go in and create a meeting and invite participants by sharing the meeting number with them via email or calendar request.
5. To join a meeting, participants should click on “Join Meeting” link at top of the screen and enter the Meeting # and click “Join”.  This number is established when a meeting organizer has created a meeting.

Join a meeting login page

6. Participate in the online meeting.  The user will be able to view online documents/presentations and see the up to 12 participants of the meeting in HD video.  Users must ensure that webcam and microphone are working properly to participate in the meeting affectively.
7. If the Pro or Enterprise versions of Fuze are purchased, the meeting organizer can then share the meeting recording and enduring materials with other users.  The basic/free download does not offer this capability.

Locate or create your own example of an educational resource created with this tool
Without a meeting to participate in (with users), I was unable to demo the tool or create a weblink to review.  However, I do plan on using this site for future meetings.

Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment.
I find that Fuze could be a very useful tool in a couple of different ways regarding educational teaching and learning.  First, the tool offers the ability for online learners to create an educational community where meeting times are established and documents are shared to effectively coordinate projects and ideas.  I am quite confident that having this tool for an online community of learners that find it difficult to meet face-to-face due to geographical or other constraints would find this to be a useful resource.  Second, this resource could be use for instructors to provide additional support or teaching that would be useful to those that need additional support or guidance.  From the comfort of a learner’s desktop or mobile device, they are able to connect to the “meeting” and engage with other classmates, learners, and instructors.  This is not unlike other programs that offer web conferencing, but it does provide very unique tools and HD technology that could come in handy when sharing specific information that utilizes this technology.  In the healthcare environment, there is an opportunity for physicians, nurses, residents, and other allied health personnel to share valuable teaching modules that allow interaction not available in many situations.  If the group chooses to purchase the Pro or Enterprise version, the ability to create enduring meeting materials and a recording of the discussions could provide to be invaluable to learner groups and teachers.

One use, based on meetings that connect the learners and individuals in my workplace (healthcare providers), the capability to share slides and scans would be most beneficial during a meeting.

Ability to show digital images and discuss using online visual "pointer"

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool in a formal or informal teaching environment?
Advantages: accessible on mobile or desktop devices; clear, streaming HD video; compatibility with various operating systems; ability to share content and save it to Fuze Cloud; easy to register; the free service provides up to 12 participants at once; the ability to see meeting  metrics on several aspects of the online meeting

Meeting Metrics/Demographics

Disadvantages: free/basic service doesn't provide some of the beneficial resources like meeting recording/sharing

Would you recommend this Web 2.0 tool to others, or suggest that they explore a different tool?
I would absolutely recommend Fuze to others for educational and corporate meeting use.  While I have not had the ability to fully test its functionality (I do plan to do so soon), I am quite confident that I could use the system to coordinate and provide an excellent online meeting concept that allows many in our organization to utilize the capabilities to participate in meetings that otherwise they may not be able to due to distance.

This would also be useful for physician and healthcare providers to provide content and resources for meetings that encourage learning in healthcare specialty programs.  This includes sharing of digital images, mock patient records for educational purposes, and additional opportunities for learning to occur.
For the online video presentation of Fuze, visit: 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Welcome to my blog and my first post!  While I can't promise that you will find anything earth shattering here, you will get a glimpse of who I am, what I do, and what makes me ME.  I hope you at least find it enjoyable and often amusing.

For starters, I am currently enrolled in the Doctor of Education in Professional Leadership with an emphasis in Health Science Education at UH and just completed my 2nd full semester.  If all goes as planned, I will complete the program in August 2015, at which time my friends will continue to call me Trevor but I will insist that my (few) enemies refer to me as Dr. Burt.  :-)  I have found this to be an excellent program with a phenomenal cohort of health-related professionals representing all major institutions within the Texas Medical Center and a few from outside of the TMC.  The collaborative discussions and team approach to learning has been exceptional and I've found that despite being in different disciplines, we tend to all deal with similar issue and opportunities for improving education at our respective institutions.

Professionally, I am about to complete my 8th year as Director of Education Administration at Houston Methodist Hospital (formerly The Methodist Hospital).  My day-to-day requirement consist of administrative responsibilities as they relate to the 40+ residency and fellowship programs at HMH.  I am also responsible for the rotating learner program for students and other learners entering into our 7 hospital system institutions. Although not directly involved in education in my current role, I am intrigued by the opportunities that I have to impact education on a global level at Methodist and am encouraged by what I am learning to eventually work with our clinical education leaders to continue to make this a wonderful learning environment.

Prior to Methodist, I held positions at M. D. Anderson, Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital, and UTMB in Galveston.  In 2005, I received my MS in Human Relations and Business from Amberton University.  However, I am a die-hard, devoted Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 1995 in Community Health Education.  I have been fortunate in my professional career to have been associated with so many fine institutions.

So, now you know the professional aspects of who I am.  However, my life is at home with my wife of 13 years, 3 wonderful and smart children, and 2 year old dog.  I am extremely proud of my family and come from a very large extended family in Bryan, TX.  My maternal great grandparents immigrated from Sicily and my father's parents are from Texas/Oklahoma.  I was born on an Air Force base in Chicksands, England, moved back with my parents a few weeks after, and have lived in Texas ever since (don't plan on leaving, either).

I look forward to reading about all of you and look forward to learning together.

P.S. The title of the blog is based on one of my favorite songs by Jackson Browne, but also signifies what I am always doing considering working full time, going to school, and most importantly raising a family!